If you get up out of your chair, it probably means you need to make an entry in your time log. 当你从椅子上站起来的时候,可能就表示你该在日程表里添上一笔了。
Each entry in the STMM log records the statistics collected before making a tuning decision and the actions performed based on those statistics. STMM日志中的每个日志项记录在做出调优决策之前收集的统计数据,以及根据这些统计数据执行的操作。
An entry similar to the following also appears in the DB2 UDB diagnostic log ( db2diag. log) on the DB2 UDB server DB2UDB服务器上的DB2UDB诊断日志(db2diag.log)中也会出现类似于下面这样的记录
If there is no entry in log, the code skips the rest of the method because test case execution is clean and there is no information to capture. 如果日志中没有条目,那么代码就会跳过方法的其余部分,因为测试用例的执行是干脆的,并没有得到什么信息。
If you get an error, you can write an entry in an error log or a database, or send a warning e-mail message. 如果出现错误,您可以将其记录到错误日志或数据库中,或发送一封警告电子邮件。
Writes an entry in the event log. 将项写入事件日志。
The signed entry in the aircraft technical log was therefore wrong and invalid. 因此,飞机维修记录本上的签署是错误且无效的。
The captain made an entry in the ships 'log that they had sighted their first landfall for sixty days. I'm having a party next Saturday; put it down in your diary so you don't forget. 船长在航海日记里记录下他们60天中首次见到的陆地。本星期六我有个聚会;把这事记在你的日记里吧,以免忘了。